Volunteer Independent Custody Visitor

Beaumont Leys, Euston Street, Keyham Lane

N/A - N/A

Not Applicable

In the role of Volunteer Independent Custody Visitor you will undertake unannounced visits in pairs to one of the 3 custody suites. Your purpose will be to speak to the detainees to ensure that they are being treated fairly, ensure the detainees receive their rights and entitlements and also examine the conditions of the custody cells and the custody suites.

Please see attached role description and covering letter for details on the role of Volunteer Independent Custody Visitor.

Applications close on Friday 22nd December 2023 at 23:55

Shortlisting will take place on Wednesday 3rd January 2024

Interviews will be Thursday 11th January 2024

As a Volunteer you will be making a real contribution to the success of the organisation, using your spare time to do something worthwhile and that really makes a difference.

This opportunity is closed to applications.